I thought it might be handy to paste below our standard 'next steps' so you have a clear path to follow to get your club up and running. In addition, TAs should always seek the permission of the head or SMT before moving things forward.
Here are the next steps:
1. If you could ask the member of staff running the club to go to our website www.kidswithbricks.com and click on ‘new staff registration’ in the menu at the top. The password is KWBTEAM (in caps) and if they could then fill in their details so we can pay them and get in touch to provide training etc.
2. You will need to decide what day/dates the club will be running on next half term so we can get letters over to you for parents and set up the online booking.
3. We will need to send you a big box of lego etc!
4. You need to sign and return our ‘service level agreement’ which is you can find here.
I have also added here a bit about pay, please feel free to speak to your SMT and finance officer about the pay options:
Standard way - the club leader registers with their own bank details, invoices us at the end of each month as to the hours worked and we pay them directly.
Alternatively - the club leader registers with the school's bank details, invoices us at the end of each month as to the hours worked, we pay the moneys to the school and they pay through Payroll.
If the club leader forgoes payment (usually in the case of teaching staff leading the club) - the club leader registers with the school's bank details, invoices us at the end of each month as to the hours worked, we pay the moneys to school funds.
If the club leader forgoes payment (usually in the case of teaching staff leading the club) - the club leader registers with all zeros in the bank details section, we do not pay any money monthly but put the payment against the price of the club per child per week which brings it down from £3.99 to £2.99.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Robin Daniels
01633 383211 Option1
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Kids With Bricks Ltd
Merlin House
Langstone Business Park
Langstone, Newport NP18 2HJ
United Kingdom