Thank-you for your interest in Kids With Bricks, we’d love to have you on board with one of our after school clubs! I’ll try to give you a ring over the next few days but in the meantime, here’s a little more information about the clubs.
Our after school clubs provide a great opportunity for children to explore the learning potential of this fantastic resource while learning to work and play together. Each term there is a structured scheme of work and weekly videos to kickstart the children’s imagination. The children also get to compete in our nationwide weekly competition to see which school has the best creative builders in Britain!
We also supply a large 30 litre tub filled to to brim with more than 4000 bricks and blocks as well as wheels, figures and other resources such as certificates and stickers for free.
The club runs for an hour after school once a week and the cost to parents is £3.99 per child per session which is paid half termly in advance online so there is very little burden on the office staff :-) Years 1 & 2 seem to be the real hotspots at the moment but we have plenty of oversubscribed yr3! As they get a bit older they tend to progress to Minecraft Club which is run by our sister company.
Generally speaking our clubs are run by TAs or similar that already work at the school. Training is really easy and handled online and we pay £20/hr for running the clubs as long as there are at least 15 students taking part. Fewer than this and we still pay £15/hr.
We find this business model works much better than sending in an 'outsider' to run the clubs as teaching assistants already have a great relationship with the children and are super reliable! This way of working has become so popular that we even have some Headteachers offering to run the clubs!
Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Robin Daniels
01633 383211 Option1
Copyright © 2019 Kids With Bricks Ltd, All rights reserved.
Thanks for enquiring via Facebook.
Our mailing address is:
Kids With Bricks Ltd
Merlin House
Langstone Business Park
Langstone, Newport NP18 2HJ
United Kingdom